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New Year, New Me? Not Quite!

Let's be honest, it's been a challenging year for most people and I'm no exception. Being made redundant, starting a new business, a global pandemic - it's certainly not been a smooth ride! However, life is starting to settle down a bit, and over the last month or so I've been doing some reflection whilst looking to the future. I've been able to make some decisions that have been on my mind for a while...

You may or may not know that in the last year I started offering Virtual Assistant (VA) services. In the last month I've been supporting a trainer in offering a 14 day summit. Seeing exactly how much they have put into this, even with me doing all the tech support, has made it absolutely clear to me that it's not for me. I love dog training, and have fun training others - I do believe I'm pretty good at it, with a wide range of skills and knowledge. But it's now clear to me that there's no future for me in building this into a viable business long term. There are many people better at it than me - that's not an imposter syndrome issue, it's just an acknowledgement of my attitude towards this. I don't have the desire to put in the sheer amount of work needed to really make a success of an online dog training venture; i really commend those that do!

I will continue to answer questions, make social media and blog posts about training issues and offer in person training to those that want it. I'm here for anyone that feels I'm the right person to help them with something. I may not be the best at any of my chosen subjects, but I'm still the best at being me and that works for some people more than others! I've archived most of my online content, although my Get Your Dog's Attention (And Keep It!) mini course is still available for anyone that needs it.

If there are particular topics that you would like me to blog about, then let me know - chances are there are others with similar questions and now's your chance to get some FREE help with that.

Of course - if you need tech support with your online content, then check out my services at Compass Can Help!

Happy training,

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